Does runestone keeper work on windows 10
Does runestone keeper work on windows 10

After the Control Panel window opens, change the “ View by” option at the top right part of the window to “ Large Icons” and scroll down until you locate the Administrative Tools Click on it and locate the Services shortcut at the bottom.You can also search for it using the Start menu’s search button. msc” in the newly opened box without the quotation marks and click OK in order to open the Services tool. The alternative way is to open the Control Panel by locating it in the Start menu. Open the Run utility by using the Windows Key + R key combination on your keyboard (press these keys at the same time.

does runestone keeper work on windows 10

Make sure you set them to run automatically and the problem should be resolved.


A recent Windows Update or a change in your computer’s setup may have changed something about the startup of these services. Network Discovery is dependent on several services in order to run properly. Solution 1: Make Sure Certain Services Start Automatically Make sure you check it out below and hopefully resolve the problem. Some users have also proposed methods that can be used to resolve the problem and we decided to include them in our article. If Network Discovery is not working on Windows 10, it can be caused by various things reported by users.

  • Network Discovery is turned on in Windows Defender Firewall – If the firewall is not allowing the connection, you will need to allow it through.
  • SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support is not running – Even though the standard is outdated, users have reported that turning it on managed to resolve the problem.
  • does runestone keeper work on windows 10

    Important services are not running – Network Discovery depends on certain services to run so make sure you start them.

    Does runestone keeper work on windows 10